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时间:2023-09-04 11:16:01 来源:顶好范文网
导读: 全国乙卷高考英语试题及答案高中14篇《劝学》《逍遥游》《师说》《阿房宫赋》《赤壁赋》《诗经·氓》《蜀道难》《登高》《琵琶行》《锦瑟》《虞美人》《念奴娇》《永



























2、 回答选择题时,选出每小题答案后,用铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号。回答非选择题时,将答案写在答题卡上,写在本试卷上无效。

3、 考试结束后,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。

第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)


第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7. 5分)


例: How much is the shirt?

A. £19.15. B. £ 9.18. C. £ 9.15.


1、 What is the man doing?

A. Asking the way. B. Giving directions. C. Correcting a mistake.

2、 What dress size does the woman want?

A. 8. B. 10. C. 12.

3、 What is the woman likely to do?

A. Make a phone call. B. Handle the problem. C. Have a rest.

4、 Which tour does the man seem to be interested in?

A. The evening tour. B. The half-day tour. C. The full-day tour.

5、 Where are the speakers?

A. At a canteen. B. At a clinic. C. At a bank.




6、 What does the woman think of the match?

A. Entertaining. B. Discouraging. C. Boring.

7、 What do the speakers plan to do on Tuesday afternoon?

A. Watch a game. B. Play tennis. C. Go to the cinema.


8、 What does the man advise Mrs. White to do?

A. Go on a diet. B. Do more exercise. C. Get enough sleep.

9、 Which can be included in Mrs. White’s breakfast?

A. Eggs. B. Sausages. C. Porridge.

10、 What is the man?

A. A teacher. B. A physician. C. A chef.


11、 How does Nancy look to Daniel?

A. Confused. B. Excited. C. Anxious.

12、 Why does Daniel mention his performance in a play?

A. To comfort Nancy. B. To express his regret. C. To show his pride.

13、 What is Nancy going to do next week?

A. Take a school test. B. Have a check-up. C. Go in for a competition.

14、 What does Daniel offer to do for Nancy?

A. Rewrite her lines. B. Drive her to the theatre. C. Help her with the practice.


15、 What was Prof. Stone’s grandfather afraid of?

A. Leaving his home. B. Parting from his son. C. Taking early retirement.

16、 What does old age mean to many elderly Americans?

A. Lack of moral support. B. Loss of self-worth. C. Change of living habits.

17、 What will Prof. Stone talk about next concerning elderly people?

A. Public services they ask for. B. Health care available to them.

C. Contributions they can make.


18、 What does the speaker’s mother want her to be?

A. A confident person. B. A warm-hearted person. C. A humorous person.

19、 Why did the speaker feel lonely in her childhood?

A. She often traveled by herself. B. Her family moved frequently.

C. Her mother was busy working.

20、 What does the speaker mainly talk about?

A. Importance of home schooling.

B. Mother-daughter relationship.

C. A role model in her family.

第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)




The Biggest Stadiums in the World

People have been pouring into stadiums since the days of ancient Greece. In around 80 A.D., the Romans built the Colosseum, which remains the world’s best known stadium and continues to inform contemporary design. Rome’s Colosseum was 157 feet tall and had 80 entrances, seating 50,000 people. However, that was small fry compared with the city’s Circus Maximus, which accommodated around 250,000 people.

These days, safety regulations-not to mention the modern sports fan’s desire for a good view and comfortable seat—tend to keep stadium capacities(容量) slightly lower. Even soccer fans tend to have a seat each; gone are the days of thousands standing to watch the match.

For the biggest stadiums in the world, we have used data supplied by the World Atlas list so far, which ranks them by their stated permanent capacity, as well as updated information from official stadium websites.

All these stadiums are still funtiona1, still open and still hosting the biggest events in world sport.

·Rungrado 1st of May Stadium, Pyongyang D.P.R. Korea. Capacity: 150,000. Opened: May 1,1989.

·Michigan Stadium, Ann Arbor, Michigan, U. S. Capacity: 107,601. Opened: October 1, 1927.

·Beaver Stadium, State College, Pennsylvania, U. S. Capacity: 106,572. Opened: September 17, 1960.

·Ohio Stadium, Columbus, Ohio, U. S. Capacity: 104,944. Opened: October 7,1922.

·Kyle Field, College Station, Texas, U. S. Capacity: 102,512. Opened: September 24, 1927.

21、 How many people could the Circus Maximus hold?

A. 104,944. B. 107,601. C. About 150,000. D. About 250,000.

22、 Of the following stadiums, which is the oldest?

A. Michigan Stadium. B. Beaver Stadium. C. Ohio Stadium. D. Kyle Field.

23、 What do the listed stadiums have in common?

A. They host big games. B. They have become tourist attractions.

C. They were built by Americans. D. They are favored by architects.


When almost everyone has a mobile phone, why are more than half of Australian homes still paying for a landline(座机)?

These days you’d be hard pressed to find anyone in Australia over the age of 15 who doesn’t own a mobile phone. In fact plenty of younger kids have one in their pocket. Practically everyone can make and receive calls anywhere, anytime.

Still, 55 percent of Australians have a landline phone at home and only just over a quarter (29%) rely only on their smartphones according to a survey (调查)。 Of those Australians who still have a landline, a third concede that it’s not really necessary and they’re keeping it as a security blanket — 19 percent say they never use it while a further 13 percent keep it in case of emergencies. I think my home falls into that category.

More than half of Australian homes are still choosing to stick with their home phone. Age is naturally a factor(因素)— only 58 percent of Generation Ys still use landlines now and then, compared to 84 percent of Baby Boomers who’ve perhaps had the same home number for 50 years. Age isn’t the only factor; I’d say it’s also to do with the makeup of your household.

Generation Xers with young families, like my wife and I, can still find it convenient to have a home phone rather than providing a mobile phone for every family member. That said, to be honest the only people who ever ring our home phone are our Baby Boomers parents, to the point where we play a game and guess who is calling before we pick up the phone(using Caller ID would take the fun out of it)。

How attached are you to your landline? How long until they go the way of gas street lamps and morning milk deliveries?

24、 What does paragraph 2 mainly tell us about mobile phones?

A. Their target users. B. Their wide popularity.

C. Their major functions. D. Their complex design.

25、 What does the underlined word “concede” in paragraph 3 mean?

A. Admit. B. Argue.

C. Remember. D. Remark.

26、 What can we say about Baby Boomers?

A. They like smartphone games. B. They enjoy guessing callers’ identity.

C. They keep using landline phones. D. They are attached to their family.

27、 What can be inferred about the landline from the last paragraph?

A. It remains a family necessity.

B. It will fall out of use some day.

C. It may increase daily expenses.

D. It is as important as the gas light.


You’ve heard that plastic is polluting the oceans — between 4.8 and 12.7 million tonnes enter ocean ecosystems every year. But does one plastic straw or cup really make a difference? Artist Benjamin Von Wong wants you to know that it does. He builds massive sculptures out of plastic garbage, forcing viewers to re-examine their relationship to single-use plastic products.

At the beginning of the year, the artist built a piece called “Strawpocalypse,” a pair of 10-foot-tall plastic waves, frozen mid-crash. Made of 168,000 plastic straws collected from several volunteer beach cleanups, the sculpture made its first appearance at the Estella Place shopping center in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.

Just 9% of global plastic waste is recycled. Plastic straws are by no means the biggest source(来源)of plastic pollution, but they’ve recently come under fire because most people don’t need them to drink with and, because of their small size and weight, they cannot be recycled. Every straw that’s part of Von Wong’s artwork likely came from a drink that someone used for only a few minutes. Once the drink is gone, the straw will take centuries to disappear.

In a piece from 2018, Von Wong wanted to illustrate(说明) a specific statistic: Every 60 seconds, a truckload’s worth of plastic enters the ocean. For this work, titled “Truckload of Plastic,” Von Wong and a group of volunteers collected more than 10,000 pieces of plastic, which were then tied together to look like they’d been dumped(倾倒) from a truck all at once.

Von Wong hopes that his work will also help pressure big companies to reduce their plastic footprint.

28、 What are Von Wong’s artworks intended for?

A. Beautifying the city he lives in. B. Introducing eco-friendly products.

C. Drawing public attention to plastic waste. D. Reducing garbage on the beach.

29、 Why does the author discuss plastic straws in paragraph 3?

A. To show the difficulty of their recycling.

B. To explain why they are useful.

C. To voice his views on modern art.

D. To find a substitute for them.

30、 What effect would “Truckload of Plastic” have on viewers?

A. Calming. B. Disturbing.

C. Refreshing. D. Challenging.

31、 Which of the following can be the best title for the text?

A. Artists’ Opinions on Plastic Safety

B. Media Interest in Contemporary Art

C. Responsibility Demanded of Big Companies

D. Ocean Plastics Transformed into Sculptures


During an interview for one of my books, my interviewer said something I still think about often. Annoyed by the level of distraction(干扰)in his open office, he said, “That’s why I have a membership at the coworking space across the street — so I can focus”。 His comment struck me as strange. After all, coworking spaces also typically use an open office layout(布局)。 But I recently came across a study that shows why his approach works.

The researchers examined various levels of noise on participants as they completed tests of creative thinking. They were randomly divided into four groups and exposed to various noise levels in the background, from total silence to 50 decibels(分贝), 70 decibels, and 85 decibels. The differences between most of the groups were statistically insignificant; however, the participants in the 70 decibels group — those exposed to a level of noise similar to background chatter in a coffee shop — significantly outperformed the other groups. Since the effects were small, this may suggest that our creative thinking does not differ that much in response to total silence and 85 decibels of background noise.

But since the results at 70 decibels were significant, the study also suggests that the right level of background noise — not too loud and not total silence — may actually improve one’s creative thinking ability. The right level of background noise may interrupt our normal patterns of thinking just enough to allow our imaginations to wander, without making it impossible to focus. This kind of “distracted focus” appears to be the best state for working on creative tasks.

So why do so many of us hate our open offices? The problem may be that, in our offices, we can’t stop ourselves from getting drawn into others’ conversations while we’re trying to focus. Indeed, the researchers found that face-to-face interactions and conversations affect the creative process, and yet a coworking space or a coffee shop provides a certain level of noise while also providing freedom from interruptions.

32、 Why does the interviewer prefer a coworking space?

A. It helps him concentrate. B. It blocks out background noise.

C. It has a pleasant atmosphere. D. It encourages face-to-face interactions.

33、 Which level of background noise may promote creative thinking ability?

A. Total silence. B. 50 decibels C. 70 decibels. D. 8 5 decibels.

34、 What makes an open office unwelcome to many people?

A. Personal privacy unprotected. B. Limited working space.

C. Restrictions on group discussion. D. Constant interruptions.

35、 What can we infer about the author from the text?

A. He’s a news reporter.

B. He’s an office manager.

C. He’s a professional designer.

D. He’s a published writer.



According to Jessica Hagy, author of How to Be Interesting, it’s not difficult to make yourself interesting at a dinner party.

36 , if you’re out of your comfort zone or if you’re wandering into somebody’s house for the first time. So the main thing is just to show up and be adventurous, trying different foods and talking to strangers.

People love to talk about themselves. If you can start the conversation with a question other than “What do you do for a living?”, you’ll be able to get a lot more interesting conversation out of whomever it is you’re talking to. 37 , it can bring in “I have this old, broken-down vehicle” or “I rode the bus with these crazy people who were laughing at silly jokes in the back.” It just opens up conversation.

38 ? If you can’t take their wine away, you should certainly try to take away their soapbox (讲台)。 If you’re the host, you can ask them to help you in the kitchen with something and just remove them from the situation. 39 。

And what about that other dinner-party killer: awkward silence? If you’re faced with an awkward silence at a dinner party, the only thing that always gets everyone talking again is to give the host a compliment(赞扬)。 _ 40 。 Just quickly turn around and say, “This cake is extremely delicious and you have to tell me all about it.”

So being interesting at a dinner party isn’t that hard.

A. How do you know the host

B. The first step is to go exploring

C. If you ask the question “How did you get here?”

D. Be prepared to have awkward conversations with strangers

E. Or turn the conversation into a topic where they have little to say

F. What about that person who had too much to drink or won’t stop talking

G. He or she is the person who is feeling the weight of that awkwardness the most

第三部分 语言知识运用(共两节,满分45分)



Simply saying thank you doesn’t seem enough in certain situations. I was considering this while working as a 41 just a few weeks ago. And it came to me then how much easier it would be if we had a range of words that express different 42 of gratitude(感谢)。

My thoughts were soon 43 。 We had a woman patient who was 44 from a knee replacement operation. One afternoon, while 45 to get into bed she collapsed(倒下) from what was 46_ discovered to be a heart attack. The collapse was disastrous, 47 the emergency medical team and good teamwork. But she recovered, though 48 _, and was ready for discharge(出院)after four weeks.

She was 49 for everything that the medical and nursing team had done for her. On her day of discharge, we shared in her 50 at her recovery. As she was 51 she was eager to say 52 to each of us in the nursing team. When she 53 one nurse, she tried to press a five-pound note into her hand. My colleague 54 to accept it, saying that we were all just 55 our job. The patient looked puzzled, and then 56 : “Oh this isn’t for the _57__ I had. I take that as a 58 。 No, this is for setting my hair yesterday.”

And there you have it. To many people, 59 lives is part of the job styling hair is an 60 and should be rewarded.

41、 A. cleaner B. chemist C. nurse D. doctor

42、 A. grades B. meanings C. needs D. expectations

43、 A. brushed aside B. put to the test

C. brought under discussion D. taken into account

44、 A. departing B. escaping C. retiring D. recovering

45、 A. attempting B. choosing C. pausing D. promising

46、 A. eventually B fortunately C. casually D. secretly

47、 A. assessing B. requiring C. forming D. proving

48、 A. slightly B. accidentally C. slowly D. happily

49、 A. grateful B. thoughtful C. sorrowful D. fearful

50、 A. surprise B. delight C. curiosity D. disappointment

51、 A. operating B. thinking C. hesitating D. leaving

52、 A. sorry B. hello C. goodbye D. yes

53 A. reached B. consulted C. introduced D. persuaded

54、 A. wished B. pretended C. failed D. refused

55、 A. enjoying B. doing C. securing D. starting

56、 A. repeated B. recited C. replied D. reported

57、 A. courage B. patience C. duty D. care

58、 A. goal B. given C. push D. greeting

59、 A. risking B. changing C. saving D. building

60、 A. honour B. ability C. opening D. extra

第二节(共10小题;每小题1. 5分,满分15分)


Ecotourism is commonly regarded as low impact(影响) travel to undisturbed places. It is different from traditional tourism because it allows the traveler to become 61 (educate)about the areas — both in terms of geographical conditions and cultural characteristics, and often provides money for conservation and benefits the 62 (develop) of the local areas.

Ecotourism has 63 (it) origin with the environmental movement of the 1970s. It was not widely accepted as a travel concept 64 the late 1980s. During that time, increasing environmental awareness made it desirable.

Due to 65 growing popularity of environmentally-related and adventure travel, various types 66 trips are now being classified as ecotourism. Actually, a true eco-friendly trip must meet the following principles:

• Minimize the impact of 67 (visit) the place.

• Build respect for and awareness of the environment and cultural practices.

• Provide 68 (finance) aid and other benefits for local peoples.

• Make sure that the tourism provides experiences for both the visitors and the hosts.

Komodo National Park, officially recognized in 1980, is popular for ecotourism because of its unique biodiversity. 69 (activity) there range from whale watching to hiking (远足) and accommodations aim 70 (have) a low impact on the natural environment.

第四部分 写作(共两节,满分35分)

第一节 短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)





注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

2、 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。

I love doing housework. I always assist my parents in doing the dish after meals. I also water the flowers in the yard and tidying up my own bedroom whatever necessary. In my opinion, students can benefit a lot doing some housework. Firstly, doing housework was helpful for us to be a responsible person. Also, it gives our parents more time to do what they are like and it improves the family relationship. What’s most, doing housework can be a form of mentally relaxation from study. That’s our view on housework. And hopes this can inspire more thinking on the topic!

第二节 书面表达(满分25分)

你校将举办英语演讲比赛。请你以Be smart online learners为题写一篇发言稿参赛,内容包括:

1、 分析优势与不足;

2、 提出学习建议。


1、 词数100左右;

2、 题目和首句已为你写好。


1、 at

如: 常用词组有: at noon, at night

表示时间的 at, in, on:表示片刻的时间,at 8 o’clock,at midnight, at the end of, at that time, at the beginning of, at the age of, at Christmas, at New Year 等。

in 表示一段的时间

如:in the morning, in the afternoon, in the evening, in October, in 1998, in summer, in the past, in the future 等。

on 总是跟日子有关,on Monday, on Christmas morning, on the following, on May Day, on a warm morning 等。

2、表示时间的 since 和 from:since 表示从过去到现在的一段时间的过程,常与现在完成时连用:from 表示从时间的某一点开始,不涉及与现在的关系。一般多与现在时、过去时、将来时连用。

如:I hope to do morning exercises from today./ We have not seen each other since 1995.

3、表示时间的 in 和 after:两者都表示“在(某个时间)之后,区别在于in表示“在(一段时间)之后” ,而 after 则表示“在(某一具体时间点之后),in 短语和将来时态连用,after 短语和过去时态或将来时态连用。

如:We’ll be back in three days.

After seven the rain began to fall.

What shall we do after graduation?

After two months he returned. 注意:after 有时也可以表示在一段时间之后(常用在过去时里)

4、表示地理位置的 in, on, to:in 表示在某范围内,on 指与什么毗邻,to 指在某环境范围之外

如:Changchun is in the northeast of China./ Mongolia is on the north of China./ Japan is tothe east of China.

5、表示“在……上”的 on 和 in:on 只表示在某物的表面上,而用 in 表示占去某物一部分,表示……上

如:There is a book on the piece of paper./ There is an interesting article in the newspaper./ He dug a hole in the wall.

6、表示“穿过……”的 through 和 across:through 表示从内部通过,与 in 有关;across 表示“穿过……”,表示从一端至另一端在表面上的通过,与 on 有关。

如:Water flows through the pipe./ The old man walked across the street.

7、in the corner, on the corner, at the corner:in the corn 表示在落,in 指角的内面;on the corner 表示“在角上” ,on 指的不是内面,也不是外面,而含内外兼有之意;at the corner指“在拐角处” 指的是拐角外附近的外面。

如:The lamp stands in the corner of the room./ I met at with him at the street corner./ He sat on the corner of the table.

8、in the end, at the end of, by the end of:in the end 作“最后”“终于”解,可单独使用,后不接介词 of;at the end of 表示“在……末梢”“到……尽头” ,既可指时间,也可以指地上或物体。不可单独使用;by the end of 作“在……结束时”“到……末为止”解,只能指时间,不可单独使用。

如:In the end they reached a place of safety./ At the end of the road stands a beautiful garden./ They decided to have an English evening at the end of this week./ by the

end of last month he had finished the novel

9、表示“关于”的 about 和 on:两者都有“关于”的意思,不过前者为一般用词,而后者表示“关于” ,为较正式的 “论述”

如:He came to tell me about something important./ He wrote a book on science

10、between, among:一般说来,between 表示两者之间,among用于三者或三者以上的中间。

如:You are to sit between your father and me./ He is always happy among his classmates.


如:Agreements were made between the different countries. 在谈到一些事物或一组事物,

而把它们视为分居两边时用 between。

如:The little valley lies between high mountains.

在谈事物 间的差别时,总是用 between。

如:They don’t know the difference between wheat, coats and barley.

11、besides, except, but, except for:

besides 指除了……还有

如:All went out besides me

except 指“除了,减去什么” ,不能放在句首。

如:All went out except me.

but 与 except 意思近似,表示“除了……外”经常用在 no, all, nobody, anywhere, everything 等和其他疑 问词后面。

如:I never saw him reading anything but the newspaper.;

except for 表示“如无……就, 只是”表明理由细节。

如:His diary is good except for a few spelling mistakes.

12、表示“用”的 in 和 with:表示工具的“用” 、表示“ ,用 with,而表示材料、方式、方法、度量、单位、语言、声音等的 “用” 用 in。

如:He is writing a letter with a pen./ He wrote the letter in pencil

We measured it in pounds./ Read the text in a loud voice./ Tell me the story in English.

13、charge of 和 in the charge of:in 两者都表示 “由谁负责、照顾、管理” 区别在于: charge of 后接被照管的人或物, in the charge of 后面则跟照管的人。

如:Who is in charge of the project

The project is in the charge of an engineer

14、as, like:as 作“作为”“以……地位或身份”解。

如:Let me speak to you as a father.(事实是父亲)

like 作“象……一样”解

如:Let me speak to you like a father.(事实上不是父亲)

15、in front of 和 in the front of:in front of = before,是“在……前面”的意思(不在某物内)

in the front of 则是“在……前部”的意思(在某物内)

如:There is a desk in front of the blackboard./ The boy sat in the front of the car.

16、in, into:into 表示动向,不表示目的地或位置。

如:We walked into the park.;in 通常表示位置。

We walked in the park;

in 和 drop, fall, put, throw, break 等终止性动词连用时,也可以表示动向。

如:I have put the coin in (into) my pocket.我把硬币放进衣袋。



⑴ 审题要细、要慢,做题要快。比如有的题要求选出“不正确的是”,有的考生惯性思维就选了正确的,这种非智力失分要避免。


⑶ 心态稳定,速度不宜过快。检查答案时,如果没有足够充分的理由,不要轻易改动第一次的答案。


⑴ 读懂试题,通过对试题所有信息的掌握和分析,搞清楚已知什么,问什么,求什么;





⑵ 学会寻找“题眼”和“关键词”;


⑶ 准确定位题目所要考查的“知识点”;



⑷ 有时答案可以 “从题干和教材原话”中去寻找;

⑸ 注意解题的规范化;


⑹ 要有“分段得分”的意识——答踩点分;

⑺ 做题要预留弹性时间,避免因超时带来的紧张。




















第一部分 听力 略

第二部分 阅读理解

材料选择题 本大题共3小题,每小题2.5分,共7.5分。阅读材料,完成下列小题。


Rome can be pricey for travelers, which is why many choose to stay in a hostel ( 旅 社 )。 The hostels in Rome offer a bed in a dorm room for around $25 a night, and for that, you’ll often get to stay in a central location (位置) with security and comfort.

Yellow Hostel

If I had to make just one recommendation for where to stay in Rome, it would be Yellow Hostel. It’s one of the best-rated hostels in the city, and for good reason. It’s affordable, and it’s got a fun atmosphere without being too noisy. As an added bonus, it’s close to the main train station.

Hostel Alessandro Palace

If you love social hostels, this is the best hostel for you in Rome. Hostel Alessandro Palace is fun. Staff members hold plenty of bar events for guests like free shots, bar crawls and karaoke. There’s also an area on the rooftop for hanging out with other travelers during the summer.

Youth Station Hostel

If you’re looking for cleanliness and a modern hostel, look no further than Youth Station. It offers beautiful furnishings and beds. There are plenty of other benefits, too; it doesn’t charge city tax; it has both air conditioning and a heater for the rooms; it also has free Wi-Fi in every room.

Hotel and Hostel Des Artistes

Hotel and Hostel Des Artistes is located just a 10-minute walk from the central city station and it’s close to all of the city’s main attractions. The staff is friendly and helpful, providing you with a map of the city when you arrive, and offering advice if you require some. However, you need to pay 2 euros a day for Wi-Fi.

21.What is probably the major concern of travelers who choose to stay in a hostel?





22.Which hotel best suits people who enjoy an active social life?

A.Yellow Hostel.

B.Hostel Alessandro Palace.

C.Youth Station Hostel.

D.Hotel and Hostel Des Artistes.

23.What is the disadvantage of Hotel and Hostel Des Artistes?

A.It gets noisy at night.

B.Its staff is too talkative.

C.It charges for Wi-Fi.

D.It’s inconveniently located.

分值: 7.5分

材料选择题 本大题共4小题,每小题2.5分,共10分。阅读材料,完成下列小题。


By day, Robert Titterton is a lawyer. In his spare time though he goes.

on stage beside pianist Maria Raspopova — not as a musician but as her page turner. “I’m not a trained musician, but I’ve learnt to read music so I can help Maria in her performance.”

Mr Titterton is chairman of the Omega Ensemble but has been the group’s official page turner for the past four years. His job is to sit beside the pianist and turn the pages of the score so the musician doesn’t have to break the flow of sound by doing it themselves. He said he became just as nervous as those playing instruments on stage.

“A lot of skills are needed for the job. You have to make sure you don’t turn two pages at once and make sure you find the repeats in the music when you have to go back to the right spot.” Mr Titterton explained.

Being a page turner requires plenty of practice. Some pieces of music can go for 40 minutes and require up to 50 page turns, including back turns for repeat passages. Silent onstage communication is key, and each pianist has their own style of “nodding” to indicate a page turn which they need to practise with their page turner.

But like all performances, there are moments when things go wrong. “I was turning the page to get ready for the next page, but the draft wind from the turn caused the spare pages to fall off the stand,” Mr Titterton said, “Luckily I was able to catch them and put them back.”

Most page turners are piano students or up-and-coming concert pianists, although Ms Raspopova has once asked her husband to help her out on stage.

“My husband is the worst page turner,” she laughed. “He’s interested in the music, feeling every note, and I have to say: ‘Turn, turn!’ “Robert is the best page turner I’ve had in my entire life.”

24.What should Titterton be able to do to be a page turner?

A.Read music.

B.Play the piano.

C.Sing songs.

D.Fix the instruments.

25.Which of the following best describes Titterton’s job on stage?





26.What does Titterton need to practise?

A.Counting the pages.

B.Recognizing the “nodding”。

C.Catching falling objects.

D.Performing in his own style.

27.Why is Ms Raspopova’s husband “the worse page turner”?

A.He has very poor eyesight.

B.He ignores the audience.

C.He has no interest in music.

D.He forgets to do his job.

分值: 10分

材料选择题 本大题共4小题,每小题2.5分,共10分。阅读材料,完成下列小题。


When the explorers first set foot upon the continent of North America, the skies and lands were alive with an astonishing variety of wildlife. Native Americans had taken care of these precious natural resources wisely. Unfortunately, it took the explorers and the settlers who followed only a few decades to decimate a large part of these resources. Millions of waterfowl ( 水 禽 ) were killed at the hands of market hunters and a handful of overly ambitious sportsmen. Millions of acres of wetlands were dried to feed and house the ever-increasing populations, greatly reducing waterfowl habitat (栖息地)。

In 1934, with the passage of the Migratory Bird Hunting Stamp Act(Act), an increasingly concerned nation took firm action to stop the destruction of migratory ( 迁徙的) waterfowl and the wetlands so vital to their survival. Under this Act, all waterfowl hunters 16 years of age and over must annually purchase and carry a Federal Duck Stamp. The very first Federal Duck Stamp was designed by J.N. “Ding” Darling, a political cartoonist from Des Moines, lowa, who at that time was appointed by President Franklin Roosevelt as Director of the Bureau of Biological Survey. Hunters willingly pay the stamp price to ensure the survival of our natural resources.

About 98 cents of every duck stamp dollar goes directly into the Migratory Bird Conservation Fund to purchase wetlands and wildlife habitat for inclusion into the National Wildlife Refuge System — a fact that ensures this land will be protected and available for all generations to come. Since 1934, better than half a billion dollars has gone into that Fund to purchase more than 5 million acres of habitat. Little wonder the Federal Duck Stamp Program has been called one of the most successful conservation programs ever initiated.

28.What was a cause of the waterfowl population decline in North America?

A.Loss of wetlands.

B.Popularity of water sports.

C.Pollution of rivers.

D.Arrival of other wild animals.

29.What does the underlined word “decimate” mean in the first paragraph?





30.What is a direct result of the Act passed in 1934?

A.The stamp price has gone down.

B.The migratory birds have flown away.

C.The hunters have stopped hunting.

D.The government has collected money.

31.Which of the following is a suitable title for the text?

A.The Federal Duck Stamp Story

B.The National Wildlife Refuge System

C.The Benefits of Saving Waterfowl

D.The History of Migratory Bird Hunting

分值: 10分

材料选择题 本大题共4小题,每小题2.5分,共10分。阅读材料,完成下列小题。


Popularization has in some cases changed the original meaning of emotional (情感的) intelligence. Many people now misunderstand emotional intelligence as almost everything desirable in a person’s makeup that cannot be measured by an IQ test, such as character, motivation, confidence, mental stability, optimism and “people skills.” Research has shown that emotional skills may contribute to some of these qualities, but most of them move far beyond skill-based emotional intelligence.

We prefer to describe emotional intelligence as a specific set of skills that can be used for either good or bad purposes. The ability to accurately understand how others are feeling may be used by a doctor to find how best to help her patients, while a cheater might use it to control potential victims. Being emotionally intelligent does not necessarily make one a moral person.

Although popular beliefs regarding emotional intelligence run far ahead of what research can reasonably support, the overall effects of the publicity have been more beneficial than harmful. The most positive aspect of this popularization is a new and much needed emphasis (重视) on emotion by employers, educators and others interested in promoting social well-being. The popularization of emotional intelligence has helped both the public and researchers re-evaluate the functionality of emotions and how they serve people adaptively in everyday life.

Although the continuing popular appeal of emotional intelligence is desirable, we hope that such attention will excite a greater interest in the scientific and scholarly study of emotion. It is our hope that in coming decades, advances in science will offer new perspectives ( 视角) from which to study how people manage their lives. Emotional intelligence, with its focus on both head and heart, may serve to point us in the right direction.

32、 What is a common misunderstanding of emotional intelligence?

A.It can be measured by an IQ test.

B.It helps to exercise a person’s mind.

C.It includes a set of emotional skills.

D.It refers to a person’s positive qualities.

33.Why does the author mention “doctor” and “cheater” in paragraph 2?

A.To explain a rule.

B.To clarify a concept.

C.To present a fact.

D.To make a prediction.

34.What isthe author’s attitude to the popularization of emotional intelligence?





35.What does the last paragraph mainly talk about concerning emotional intelligence?

AIts appeal to the public.

BExpectations for future studies.

CIts practical application.

DScientists with new perspectives.

分值: 10分

简答题(综合题) 本大题共42.5分。简答应写出文字说明、证明过程或演算步骤。

36、阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。选 项中有两项为多余选项。

My husband and I just spent a week in Paris. 36 So the first thing we did was rent a fantastically expensive sixth-floor apartment the size of a cupboard. It was so tiny that we had to leave our suitcases in the hallway.

The place wasn’t entirely authentic, though. Unlike a normal Parisian apartment, the plumbing ( 水 管 ) worked. 37 Our building even had a tiny lift with a female voice that said, “Ouverture des portes,” in perfect French. That is the only French phrase I mastered, and it’s a shame I don’t have much use for it.

Parisians are different from you and me. They never look lazy or untidy. As someone noted in this paper a couple of weeks ago, they eat great food and never gain weight. 38 French strawberries do not taste likecardboard. Instead, they explode in your mouth like little flavor bombs.

39 Onour first morning in Paris, I went around the corner to the food market to pickup some groceries. I bought a handful of perfectly ripe small strawberries anda little sweet melon. My husband and I agreed they were the best fruit we hadever eaten. But they cost $18!

In France, quality of life is much more important thanefficiency (效率)。

You can tell thisby cafés life. French cafés are always crowded. 40 When do these people work? The Frenchtake their 35-hour workweek seriously — so seriously that some labor unionsrecently struck a deal with a group of companies limiting the number of hoursthat independent contractors can be on call.

A.Not all the customers aretourists.

B.The quality of life inFrance is equallyexcellent.

C.There was a nice kitchen anda comfortablebed.

D.The amazing food is mainlyconsumed by local farmers.

E.That’snotthe only reason the French eat less than wedo.

F.Our aim was to see if wecould live, in some way, like realParisians.

G.The food is so delicious that you don’t need much ofit to make you happy.

分值: 12.5分

41.阅读下面短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

My life as a tax-paying employed person began in middle school, when, for three whole days, I worked in a baking factory.

My best friend Betsy’s father was a manager at Hough Bakeries, which, at Easter time, 41 little bunny ( 兔 子 ) cakes for all its 42 throughout Cleveland. It happened that the plant downtown needed eight kids for 43 help during our spring break, for which I had no 44 beyond listening to my favorite records. I’d 45 minimum wage. I’d see how a factory 46 。 My parents thought all of this was a grand idea and called Betsy’s dad with their 47 。

Our 48 in the factory were simple: Place cakes on a moving belt. Attach icing (糖霜) ears. Apply icing eyes and nose. 49 bunny from the belt. This was 50 than it sounds. 51 a bit and the cakes pile up. As I told my parents at dinner that first night, it was all a little more high-pressure than I’d 52 。

Dad 53 。 The sonof a grocer, he’d spent the summers of his childhood 54 food in Benardsville, New Jersey. This wasthe sort of work that made you 55the dollars you earned and respect thosewho did the work, he toldme.

41.A. sold B. ordered C. made D. reserved

42.A. stores B. families C. schools D. citizens

43.A. generous B. financial C. technical D. temporary

44.A. plans B. problems C. excuses D. hobbies

45.A. offer B. earn C. set D. suggest

46.A. worked B. closed C. developed D. survived

47.A. ambition B. permission C. experience D. invitation

48.A. joys B. ideas C. roles D. choices

49.A. Save B. Keep C. Stop D. Remove

50.A. harder B. better C. longer D. cheaper

51.A. Calm down B. Slow down C. Stay on D. Move on

52.A. indicated B. witnessed C. expected D. remembered

53.A. cried B. smiled C. hesitated D. refused

54.A. tasting B. finding C. sharing D. delivering

55.A. withdraw B. donate C. receive D. appreciate

分值: 15分

第三部分 语言运用

56.阅读下面短文,在空白处填入 1 个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

Going to MountHuangshan reminds me of the popular Beatles’ song“The Long and Winding Road”。 56 is so breathtaking about the experience is theout-of-this-world scenes. The rolling sea of clouds you see once you are at thetop will remind you how tiny we 57 (human)are.

The hot spring at the foot of themountain is something you must try after the climb. It will 58 (undoubted) help you get refreshed! The amazing thing about the spring is that the colder thetemperaturegets, the 59 (hot) the spring! Strange, isn’t it? Butthat’s how nature is —always leaving us 60(astonish)。

What comes nextis the endless series of steps. You can’t help wondering how hard it 61(be) for the people then to put all those rocks into place. Though it is theonly unnatural thing on your way up the mountain, still it highlights the wholeadventure 62 offers a place where you can sit down to rest your 63 (ache)legs.

As the song goes, this long and windingroad “will never disappear”, and it will always stick in the visitor’smemory. It sure does in 64 (I)。While you’re inChina, Mount Huangshan is 65 must tovisit!

分值: 15分


书面表达 本大题共15分。

66、你校英文报 Youth 正在庆祝创刊十周年。请你写一篇短文投稿,内容包括:





1、写作词数应为 80左右;


Youth and Me






分值: 15分

书面表达 本大题共25分。

67、阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇 完整的短文。


The twins were filled with excitementas they thought of the surprise they were planning for Mother’s Day. How pleased and proud Mother would bewhen they brought her breakfast in bed. They planned to make French toast andchicken porridge. They had watched their mother in the kitchen. There wasnothing to it. Jenna and Jeff knew exactly what to do.

The big day came at last. The alarmrang at 6 a.m. The pair went down the stairs quietly to the kitchen. Theydecided to boil the porridge first. They put some rice into a pot of water andleft it to boil while they made the French toast. Jeff broke two eggs into aplate and added in some milk. Jenna found the bread and put two slices into theegg mixture. Next, Jeff turned on the second stove burner to heat up the fryingpan. Everything was going smoothly until Jeff started frying the bread. The panwas too hot and the bread turned black within seconds. Jenna threw the burntpiece into the sink and put in the otherslice of bread. This time, she turned down the fire so it cooked nicely.


shake. The next minute, the porridge boiled over andput out the fire. Jenna panicked. Thankfully, Jeff stayed calm and turned offthe gas quickly. But the stove was a mess now.Jenna told Jeff to clean it up so they could continuetocooktherestoftheporridge.ButJeff’shandtouchedthehot burner and he gave a cry of pain. Jenna made him puthis hand in cold water. Then shecaught the smell of burning. Oh dear! The piece of bread in the pan had turnedblack aswell.


1、续写词数应为 150 左右。


As the twins looked around them in disappointment , their father appear。




The twins carried thebreakfast upstairs and woke theirmother up.




















26.B27.D 28.A 29.C 30.D

31.A 32.D 33.B 34.A 35.B

36.F 37.C 38.G 39.E 40.A

41、 C 42. A 43. D 44. A 45. B

46、 A 47. B 48. C 49. D 50. A

51、 B 52. C 53. B 54. D 55. D

第三部分 语言运用

56.What 57. humans 58. undoubtedly 59. hotter 60. astonished

61、 was 62. and 63. aching 64. mine 65. a

第四部分 写作


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