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时间:2023-08-30 08:48:02 来源:顶好范文网
导读: 介绍我的爸爸英语作文我的爸爸今年三十六岁,他长得很帅气,瘦高的身体,总喜欢留着平头,乌黑的眉毛下长着一双炯炯有神的大眼睛,高高的鼻梁,微微一笑露出洁白的牙齿





My father is thirty-six years old this year, he is very handsome, tall body, total love cropped hair, black eyebrows with a pair of bright eyes, high nose, smiled his white teeth, dark skin, I often jokingly said: "you are so black as Africans, ha ha."


My father was kind and stern to me. Whenever I got one hundred points, Dad kept hugging me, praise me, buy me a gift when I got ninety below two, Dad let me stand, and speak out the wrong reason to ask, I forget to write the name of an examination, the teacher gave me a sentence of zero and after school, my father very angry, asked me to stand for an hour in the downstairs, let me always remember this lesson.


I remember my father often told me that when he was young, because the family was poor and did not go to school, so he is very painful, very high expectations for me, I hope I cherish a better learning environment, he gave me the name may to which. Every time I do my homework, my father takes a book and sits next to me to see what he does. It makes me realize that people are never too old to learn. Dad, I will not live up to what you expect of me. Here, I want to say to you: "you are laborious, I love you."。"


My family is poor. My father has to work very hard to make us live a normal life. My mother has to take care of the trifles, so all the economic burden fall on the shoulder of my dad. He takes three jobs. Every morning, he gets early to send milk and then goes to work. Sometimes he does some part-time job after dinner. On weekend, he has another job in the downtown. He has little tim☆☆e to rest. I am worry about his physical health. Dad, can you have a rest?


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