My family is a traditional Chines family which is an extended family with my grandparents, my parents and I living together.
My grandparents are kind to me. When I was young, they gave me a lot of care and love. They always taught me to be honest, responsible and hardworking. Even though I often did something wrong, they still educated me in moral words. Because of their moral education, I could grow up quickly.
My parents are obedient. They take good care of my grandparents. They often help my grandparents with the family chores to make them live better. On weekends, they keep a good company with my grandparents, so that they never feel lonely. Besides, they also care so much about me. Whatever hobbies and interests I have, they are always on my side, so I have my free living style.
I think my family members are the most beloved ones. From them, I have learnt to respect the old and love the young. Thus I regard them as my good examples. I love my family.
Ha ha, our family is an animal family!
Dad is a literary rat. Because dad is a headmaster, very literary, know a lot of knowledge, is a good teacher. And dad is a rat. I have a lot of questions about "literature rat"!
Mother is also a mouse. She is a hard-working mouse. She is busy from morning to night, but she is also a teacher. Mother washes clothes, dishes and mops the floor She did it all. It"s hard work!
Of course, I am a cute and naughty puppy! I am a lively and cheerful student. Wherever I go, there will be laughter. Although I"m not a dog, but I like cute little dog!
Look! The "animals" family came out laughing again!
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