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时间:2023-03-28 15:55:02 来源:顶好范文网
导读: 2月25日雅思作文1  Ourimaginationaboutbeingsonotherplanetshasneverstoppedandreacheditsclimaxinsuchmovieser

2月25日雅思作文1  Ourimaginationaboutbeingsonotherplanetshasneverstoppedandreacheditsclimaxinsuchmovieser下面是小编为大家整理的2023年2月25日雅思作文,菁选2篇,供大家参考。



  Our imagination about beings on other planets has never stopped and reached its climax in such movie series like “Star Wars” and “Star Trek” in 1960s and 1970s. If other life forms do exist, as many people believe, is it worthwhile for the government to spend money looking for them?

  There are many people who are very enthusiastic about those life forms on other planets. They are interested in how these different beings survive and believe their more advanced technology may well help us human beings solve their existing problems. Besides, as many scientists have speculated, the Earth will eventually die and disappear into the black hole. We therefore need to find our siblings on other planets so that when that day does arrive, our future grand, grand children will not perish from the Earth.

  Those with more realistic bend of mind, however, do not support the idea of spending money on life forms on other planets. They are generally more doubtful about the existence of other beings in the outer space, so they believe it is just a huge waste of money to try to look for them, especially when there still are so many practical problems on this planet crying for solution. The money squandered on the exploration of aliens, they argue, should go to helping children who are unable to pay for their college education and those who are ill but cannot enjoy decent medical services.

  Personally, I do think that there should be a balance between the money spent on the immediate issues and the future ones. Undoubtedly, such pressing problems as housing, education, and medicare ought to be taken care of by the government, but it is also the responsibility of the government to prepare for the future of the Earth. Seen in this light, a reasonable investment on the life on other planets is perfectly justifiable.


  When it comes to the necessity of exploring outer space, some people argue that more budgets should be spent on looking for creatures on other planets, but others believe that the government should focus on issues on the earth.

  On one hand, human beings should try to find new life forms on other planets since those planets may also be available for human beings to live in. It is acknowledged that the environment on the earth has been damaged severely due to the development of industry and some resources have been exhausted already. Sooner or later, the earth may become so barren it cannot accommodate human beings any more. Considering such a possibility in the future, it is reasonable for some people to eagerly explore the space.

  On the other hand, there do exist numerous urgent problems on the earth that need to be tackled. Even in the current era, many regions, such as South Africa, are underdeveloped; famine, poverty, disease still deprive a lot of people of their lives. Compared to spending a large amount of money on exploring the unknown outer space, it is more effective for governments to allocate more budgets to help people in need. Thus, a lot of uncertainties actually exist if money is used for looking for other life forms, but helping impoverished residents seems more effective.

  From my own perspective, the search for life in other planets should be a long-term goal for every country, but governments should adjust their budgets according to their financial conditions. Exploring the outer space is really costly and not all countries could afford such an expense. For rich countries, they could regard the mission of exploring other planets as a priority; however, for impoverished countries, enhancing life quality of the public should be their urgent task.

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