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时间:2023-03-26 01:10:01 来源:顶好范文网
导读: 英文请假条有哪些1  To:JohnSmith,Supervisor  From:GeorgeChen,AccountingDepartment  Date:March11,2001  Subjec

英文请假条有哪些1  To:JohnSmith,Supervisor  From:GeorgeChen,AccountingDepartment  Date:March11,2001  Subjec下面是小编为大家整理的2023年英文请假条有哪些,菁选2篇,供大家参考。



  To: John Smith, Supervisor

  From: George Chen, Accounting Department

  Date: March 11, 2001

  Subject: Casual Leave of Absence

  John, I would like to know if I could ask for a casual leave of absence from March 23 to 27.

  Yesterday I received a letter from my parents, who are both over 70, telling me that a big flood took place at my home village, causing serious damage to my house. As the only son of my parents, I should of back to assethe situation, and help them to get over these difficulties. Though I cannot stay at home for too long a time, I should at least make arrangements for repair work. I believe my relatives in the village and my neighbors will also come to help. Financially I have no difficulties.


  John Smith, Supervisor

  From: George Chen, Accounting Department

  Date: March 11, 2001

  Subject: Casual Leave of Absence

  John, I would like to know if I could ask for a casual leave of absence from March 23 to 27.

  Yesterday I received a letter from my parents, who are both over 70, telling me that a big flood took place at my home village, causing serious damage to my house. As the only son of my parents, I should of back to assethe situation, and help them to get over these difficulties. Though I cannot stay at home for too long a time, I should at least make arrangements for repair work. I believe my relatives in the village and my neighbors will also come to help. Financially I have no difficulties.

  I will call you at 1:30p.m. or you can call me at any time.

  Dear Mr/Ms Jiang

  I was unable to come to 1st and 2nd period today.Due to the rain yesterday, I was wet and had temperature at night. The doctor adviced me to rest for several days and after my recovery, I will attend school as soon as possible.

  I am sincerely sorry about the inconvenience. However, I would like to have your permission. Also, afterwards I would phone you and there"s the certificate by the doctor.

推荐访问:英文 有哪些 请假条 英文请假条有哪些 菁选2篇 英文请假条有哪些1 英文请假条有哪些10字 请假条的英文 英文请假条事假

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