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时间:2023-03-24 03:15:01 来源:顶好范文网




  1.If winter comes , can spring be far behind ?(冬天来了,春天还会远吗?)

  2.Do not , for one repulse , give up the purpose that you resolved to effect.(不要只因一次失败,就放弃你原来决心想达到的目的。)

  3. To strive, to seek, to find, and not to yield. (去奋斗,去追求,去发现,但不要放弃。)

  4.Hope is the poor man’s bread.(希望是穷人的精神面包。)

  5.Only when you seize today can you not lose tomorrow. (只有抓住今天,才能不丢失明天。)

  6.The path to your glorious future begins with the steps you take today. (通向灿烂未来的路从你今天的迈出的步伐开始。千里之行始于足下。)

  7.Never look down on yourself. (永远不要小看自己。)

  8. Life never stands still: if you don’t advance you recede. (生命不息,不进则退。)

  9.Man is the artificer of his own happiness.(人是自己幸福的创立者。)

  10.A young idler,an old beggar.(少壮不努力,老大徒伤悲。)

  11.Nothing is difficult to the man will try .(世上无难事,只要肯登攀。)

  12.Where there is a will ,there is a way. (有志者事竟成。)

  13.He who does not advance loses ground.(逆水行舟,不进则退。)

  14.Well begun is half done (好的开始是成功的一半。)

  15.Every little helps a mickle .(聚沙成塔,聚腋成裘。)



——经典英文励志名言-话经典英文语录 (菁选2篇)


  1、True mastery of any skill takes a lifetime.


  2、Sweat is the lubricant of success.


  3、If you are doing your best,you will not have to worry about failure.


  4、Energy and persistence conquer all things.


  5、Bravery never goes out of fashion.


  6、Those who turn back never reach the summit.


  7、Proper preparation solves 80 percent of life"s problems.


  8、Winners do what losers don"t want to do.


  9、Every noble work is at first impossible.


  10、We improve ourselves by victories over ourselves. There must be contests, and we must win.

  我们通过战胜自己来改进自我。 那里一定有竞赛,我们一定要赢!


  1、Do not , for one repulse , give up the purpose that you resolved to effect .(William Shakespeare , British dramatist)

  不要只因一次失败,就放弃你原来决心想达到的目的。(英国剧作家 莎士比亚.W.)

  2、Don"t part with your illusions . When they are gone you may still exist , but you have ceased to live. (Mark Twain , American writer)

  不要放弃你的幻想。当幻想没有了以后,你还可以生存,但是你虽生犹死。((美国作家 马克·吐温)

  3、I want to bring out the secrets of nature and ap* them for the happiness of man . I don"t know of any better service to offer for the short time we are in the world .(Thomas Edison , American inventor)

  我想揭示大自然的秘密,用来造福人类。我认为,在我们的短暂一生中,最好的贡献莫过于此了。 (美国发明家 爱迪生. T.)

  4、Ideal is the beacon. Without ideal , there is no secure direction ; without direction , there is no life .( Leo Tolstoy , Russian writer)

  理想是指路明灯。没有理想,就没有坚定的方向;没有方向,就没有生活。 (俄国作家 托尔斯泰. L .)

  5、If winter comes , can spring be far behind ? ( P. B. Shelley , British poet )

  冬天来了,春天还会远吗?( 英国诗人, 雪莱. P. B.)

  6、If you doubt yourself , then indeed you stand on shaky11 ground . (Ibsen , Norwegian dramatist )

  如果你怀疑自己,那么你的立足点确实不稳固了。 (挪威剧作家 易卜生)

  7、If you would go up high , then use your own legs ! Do not let yourselves carried aloft; do not seat yourselves on other people"s backs and heads . (F. W . Nietzsche , German Philosopher)

  如果你想走到高处,就要使用自己的两条腿!不要让别人把你抬到高处;不要坐在别人的背上和头上。 (德国哲学家 尼采. F. W.)

  8、It is at our mother"s knee that we acquire our noblest and truest and highest , but there is seldom any money in them. ( Mark Twain , American writer )

  就是在我们母亲的"膝上,我们获得了我们的最高尚、最真诚和最远大的理想,但是里面很少有任何金钱。 (美国作家 马克·吐温)

  9、Living without an aim is like sailing without a compass. Alexander Dumas (Davy de La Pailleterie, French Writer)

  生活没有目标就像航海没有指南针。 (法国作家 大仲马. A.)

  10、The ideals which have lighted my way , and time after time have given me new courage to face life cheerfully 19 have been kindness , beauty and truth .(Albert Einstein , American scientist)

  有些理想曾为我们引过道路,并不断给我新的勇气以欣然面对人生,那些理想就是--真、善、美。 (美国科学家 爱因斯坦 . A .)

  11、The important thing in life is to have a great aim , and the determination to attain it. (Johan Wolfgang von Goethe , German Poet and dramatist)

  人生重要的事情就是确定一个伟大的目标,并决心实现它。(德国诗人、戏剧家 歌德 . J . M .)

  12、The man with a new idea is a crank until the idea succeeds .(Mark Twain , American writer)

  具有新想法的人在其想法实现之前是个怪人。 (美国作家 马克·吐温)

  13、The only limit to our realization of tomorrow will be our doubts of today .(Franklin Roosevelt , American president)

  实现明天理想的唯一障碍是今天的疑虑。 (美国总统 罗斯福. F .)

  14、When an end is lawful and obligatory, the indispensable means to is are also lawful and obligatory .(Abraham Lincoln , American statesman)

  如果一个目的是正当而必须做的,则达到这个目的的必要手段也是正当而必须采取的。 (美国政治家 林肯. A.)




  1.No excuses for failure, only to find grounds for success.


  2.One developed by those who have faith in the power, greater than 99 is only interested in.


  3.The great are great because of his coexistence with others when times are hard, others have lost their confidence, he was determined to achieve their goals.


  4.Desire to enhance the enthusiasm, perseverance in order to slick mountain.


  5.Any restrictions, are from his heart began.


  6.Every ebb awaits an overwhelming flow.


  7.Never say die.


  8.FY-chi man; do not show, and air negative natural bachi footer.


  9.Own thousands of millions of people with lofty ideals, without a sense of 1000 Chi are only difficult to extremely difficult.


  10.Take binoculars to see other people, take a magnifying glass to see himself.


  11.Exposure to environmental excellence and the pursuit of excellence, you will become great.


  12.Re a long way, a step by step can be completed, and then a short road, do not stride feet can not reach.





  1、Nothing is impossible to a willing heart.心之所愿,无事不成。

  2、Behind every successful man there"s a lot u unsuccessful years. 每个成功者的后面都有很多不成功的岁月.

  3、While there is life there is hope.一息若存,希望不灭。

  4、There is no royal road to learning.求知无坦途。

  5、Great hopes make great man.远大的希望,造就伟大的人物。

  6、The greatest test of courage on earth is to bear defeat without losing heart.世界上对勇气的最大考验是忍受失败而不丧失信心。

  7、 I think success has no rules, but you can learn a lot from failure. 我认为成功没有定律,但你可从失败中学到很多东西.

  8、Only they who fulfill their duties in everyday * will fulfill them on great occasions.只有在日常生活中尽责的人才会在重大时刻尽责。

  9、The shortest way to do many things is to only one thing at a time.做许多事情的捷径就是一次只做一件事。

  10、Sow nothing, reap nothing.春不播,秋不收。

  11、There are no secrets to success. It is the result of preparation, hard work, and learning from failure.成功没有诀窍,它是筹备,苦干以及在失败中汲取教训的"结果。

  12、Life would be too smooth if it had no rubs in it.生活若无波折险阻,就会过于*淡无奇。

  13、Few things are impossible in themselves; and it is often for want of will, rather than of means, that man fails to succeed.事情很少有根本做不成的;其所以做不成,与其说是条件不够,不如说是由于决心不够。

  14、Genius only means hard-working all one"s life.天才只意味着终身不懈地努力。

  15、Life is but a hard and tortuous journey.人生无坦途,生命即是一段艰难曲折的旅程。

  16、 Great works are performed not by strengh, but by perseverance.完成伟大的事业不在于体力,而在于坚韧不拔的毅力。

  17、I have nothing to offer but blood, boil, tears and sweat.我能奉献的没有其它,只有热血、辛劳、眼泪与汗水。

  18、Constant dripping wears away the stone.锲而不舍,金石可镂。

  19、The first blow is half the battle.良好的开端是成功的一半。

  20、The man who has made up his mind to win will never say "impossible ".凡是决心取得胜利的人是从来不说"不可能的"。


——经典的励志英文名言名句 (菁选2篇)


  1) That man is the richest whose pleasure are the cheapest.

  2) 能处处寻求快乐的人才是最富有的人。

  3) ——Henry David Thoreau(美国作家梭罗)

  4) Sometimes one pays most for the things one gets for nothing.

  5) 有时候一个人为不花钱得到的东西付出的代价最高。

  6) ——Albert Einstein(美国科学家爱因斯坦)

  7) Will, work and wait are the pyramidal cornerstones for success.

  8) 意志、工作和等待是成功的金字塔的基石。

  9) ——Louis Pasteur(法国化学家巴斯勒)

  10) All the splendor in the world is not worth a good friend.

  11) 人世间所有的荣华富贵不如一个好朋友。

  12) ——Voltaire(法国思想家伏尔泰)

  13) There is a great different between exposure of

  14) the mind and that of the body.

  15) 表露思想和展露身体之间存在极大的不同。


  1) ——William Hazlitt(英国批评家散文家哈滋里特)

  2) To travel hopefully is a better thing than to arrive,

  3) and the true success is to labor.

  4) 怀着希望去旅行比抵达目的地更愉快;而真正的成功在于工作。

  5) ——Robert Louis Stevenson(英国作家史蒂文森)

  6) The greater a man is, the more distasteful is praise and flattery to him.

  7) 一个人越伟大,对表扬和奉承就越反感。

  8) ——John Burroughs(美国博物学家巴勒斯)

  9) I might say that success is won by three things:

  10) first, effort; second, more effort; third, still more effort.

  11) 可以说成功要靠三件事才能赢得:努力,努力,再努力。

  12) ——Thomas Hardy(英国诗人小说家哈代)

  13) Success often depends upon knowing how long it will take to succeed.

  14) 成功常常取决于知道需要多久才能成功。

  15) ——Charles Montesquieu(法国思想家孟德斯鸠)


——经典英文励志阳光语录 (菁选2篇)



  The past is never where you think you left it.


  The best way to stand out is to stop trying to fit in.


  It’s not how good you are, it’s how good you want to be.


  Weep no more , no sigh , nor groan. Sorrow calls no time that"s gone


  I like for you to be still, it is as though you were absent


  If the language can not express, I am willing to prove that life.


  Your emotions has nothing to do with me, your world and others.


  Time to get your outline written more apparent. Profound.


  Smile though your heart is aching. Smile even though it"s breaking.


  The ones that love us never really leave us, and you can always find them in..here.


  If we fell in love again I swear I"d love you right.


  I love you not because I need you, I need you because I love you.


  Does not belong to me, I will let go 。

   不属于我的,我会离开 。

  First I need your hand , then forever can begin.

  先要执子之手 方能偕老白头.


  Within you I lose myself, without you I find myself wanting to be lost again.


  - We don"t always get our hopes and dreams, and we don"t always get our own way.


  Courage is going from failure to failure without losing enthusiasm。


  Is our love doesn"t come, still can not love.


  Love may fade with the season.But some friendships are year-round。


  Listen,Heart-breaking voice,Is so clear


  Let this be my last word, that I trust in thy love.


  Even next second we didn"t meet, on one second we will meet.


  Time orbit we just one solitude of the subway.


  Believe me, my heart you will never shift.


  Within you I lose myself, without you I find myself wanting to be lost again.


  Not what I miss, but I can not go back the past.


  Your vows of eternal love is just a perfunctory, my soul is life.


  Il divario nel tempo in aspra lotta.



——英文励志经典语录 (菁选2篇)


  1、No sweet without sweat.


  2、In fair weather prepare for foul.


  3、Better to light one candle than to curse the darkness.


  4、Difficult circumstances serve as a textbook of life for people.


  5、Happiness takes no account of time.


  6、I am a slow walker,but I never walk backwards.


  7、Do you love life?Then do not squander time;for that"s the stuff life is made of.


  8、A man is not old as long as he is seeking something.A man is not old until regrets take the place of dreams.


  9、Four short words sum up what has lifted most successful individuals above the crowd:a little bit more.


  10、For man is man and master of his fate.


  11、Failure is the mother of success.——Thomas Paine


  12、All things in their being are good for something.


  13、Pain past is pleasure.


  14、All are brothers.


  15、Activity is the only road to knowledge.


  16、The shortest answer is doing.


  17、I feel strongly that I can make it.


  18、Nothing is impossible to a willing heart.


  19、Perseverance can somtimes equal genius in its results.


  20、Anything one man can imagine,other men can make real.



  1、The man who has made up his mind to win will never say "impossible ".


  2、Miracles sometimes occur, but one has to work terribly for them.


  3、A man is not old as long as he is seeking something. A man is not old until regrets take the place of dreams.


  3、Never underestimate your power to change yourself!


  4、All things in their being are good for something.


  5、Better late than never.


  6、Nothing for nothing.


  7、Do not, for one repulse, forgo the purpose that you resolved to effor.


  8、Victory won""t come to me unless I go to it. -- M.Moore


  9、All things come to those who wait.


  10、God helps those who help themselves.


  11、Never, never, never, never give up (Winston Churchill)

  永远不要、不要、不要、不要放弃。(英国首相 丘吉尔)

  12、While there is life there is hope.


  13、If you would go up high , then use your own legs! Do not let yourselves carried aloft; do not seat yourselves on other people’s backs and heads .


  14、A great man is always willing to be little.


  15、Never put off till tomorrow what you can do today.

  今日事, 今日毕。

  16、Nothing is impossible to a willing heart.

  心之所愿, 无所不成。

  17、The good seaman is known in bad weather.


  18、I am a slow walker,but I never walk backwards. (Abraham.Lincoln America)


  19、Cease to struggle and you cease to live. -- Thomas Carlyle

  生命不止,奋斗不息。 -- 卡莱尔

  20、There is no such thing as a great talent without great will-power.


  20、You have to believe in yourself . That""s the secret of success.





  1、“What I’m doing right now,I’m chasing perfection。”


  2、“Love me or hate me,its one or the other。Always has been。Hate my game,my swagger。Hate my fadeaway,my hunger。Hate that Im a veteran。A champion。Hate that。Hate it with all your heart。And hate that Im loved,for the exact same reasons。"


  3、“I’ll do what ever it takes to win games,whether it’s sitting on a bench waving a towel,handing a cup of water to a teammate,or hitting the game-winning shot。”


  4、“As far as carrying the torch for the years to come,I don’t know。I just want to be the best basketball player I can be。”


  5、“Everything negative-pressure,challenges-is all an opportunity for me to rise。”


  6、“I don’t want to be the next MichaelJordan,I only want to be KobeBryant。”


推荐访问:英文 励志 经典 经典英文励志名言-经典英文励志语录 经典的英文励志名言-经典的英文励志语录1 英文励志名言名句优美句子 励志的名言经典短句英文



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