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时间:2023-03-23 16:40:06 来源:顶好范文网
导读: 清明上河图英语四级翻译素材1  《清明上河图》(AlongtheRiverduringtheQingmingFestival)是中国名画之一。它为北宋(theNorthernSongDynasty)

清明上河图英语四级翻译素材1  《清明上河图》(AlongtheRiverduringtheQingmingFestival)是中国名画之一。它为北宋(theNorthernSongDynasty)下面是小编为大家整理的2023年度清明上河图英语四级翻译素材,供大家参考。



  《清明上河图》(Along the River during the QingmingFestival)是中国名画之一。它为北宋(the Northern SongDynasty)画家张择端所作。现收藏于故宫博物院(thePalace Museum)。《清明上河图》宽25.5厘米,长525厘米。画卷里,画家描绘了北宋清明时节都城的自然风光和人们的`日常生活。《清明上河图》内容丰富,绘有大量的人物、树木、动物、车辆、建筑和船只。因其具有很高的历史价值和艺术价值,《清明上河图》被视为国宝。


  Along the River during the Qingming Festival is one of Chinese famous paintings: Painted by Zhang Zeduan, a painter in the Northern Song Dynasty, this painting is now kept in the Palace Museum. The painting is 25.5 centimeters wide and 525 centimeters long. In the painting, the painter had captured the natural scenes and daily life of people of the capital during the Qingming Festivial in the Northern Song Dynasty. The painting is rich in content with a large number of humans, trees, animals, canines, buildings and boats. The painting is considered as a national treasure for its very high historic and artistic values.

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