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时间:2023-03-21 10:45:03 来源:顶好范文网
导读: 追求真理英语作文1  GalileowasanastronomerinItalyandafamousphysicistintheworld Hedevotedallhislifetothecause

追求真理英语作文1  GalileowasanastronomerinItalyandafamousphysicistintheworld.Hedevotedallhislifetothecause下面是小编为大家整理的2023年追求真理英语作文【通用文档】,供大家参考。



  Galileo was an astronomer in Italy and a famous physicist in the world. He devoted all his life to the cause of science, and he did not believe in authority and dare to pursue truth. He was one of the founders of modern European science.

  During Galileos study at University of Pisa found a "swing isochronicity". Later, it overturned the theory that ancient Greek scholar Aristotle announced more than two thousand years ago "different weight objects fall at different speeds", and first put forward the law of free falling body. Galileo in Copernicus and Brunos "heliocentric" inspired, began to challenge the value highly the "geocentric" and also produced the worlds first astronomical telescope. Galileos great achievements in the field of science angered the Pope and his followers in Rome, who put Galileo into prison. But Galileo did not give in, still vowed to pursue the truth, the truth is finally followed quietly passed away. Galileo is like this, and his life is wonderful because of the pursuit of truth.

  The pursuit of truth is not just the big scientist Galileo do, a 12 year old student named Nie Li is also the pursuit of truth model, which overthrew "the bee is on the occurrence of wings" - this was included in our primary school textbooks of biology of "common sense", this thesis of "Nie Li bee do not rely on the vibration of the vocal" wings won the National Youth Science and technology innovation contest award and Gao Shiqi award special science.

  Someone once said, "truth is born after one hundred question marks."".

  The theorem and law, the doctrine of the discoverer, founder, almost able to detect problems, from the phenomenon of small It is quite common for constantly asking questions, to solve the question, the source, the "?" Straighten into"!" And found the truth.

  When we were a kid, we went to kindergarten, preschool, elementary school, junior high school, and we had to go to high school, college, and even higher education. Dont we go to school to pursue truth? Is it not the pursuit of truth that leads people to success? The truth that the teacher teaches us is truth! If we find out the problems in knowledge, we must change it into truth!

  I firmly believe that life is wonderful because of the pursuit of truth!

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