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时间:2023-03-18 11:05:05 来源:顶好范文网
导读: 英文moveover的翻译形式是什么1  英[mu:vˈəuvə] 美[muvˈovɚ]  基本解释  挪动一下,腾地方;让位  相关例句  ph   1 Moveoverandletthelitt

英文moveover的翻译形式是什么1  英[mu:vˈəuvə] 美[muvˈovɚ]  基本解释  挪动一下,腾地方;让位  相关例句  ph.  1.Moveoverandletthelitt下面是小编为大家整理的2023年英文move,over翻译形式是什么,菁选2篇(范文推荐),供大家参考。


英文move over的翻译形式是什么1

  英 [mu:v ˈəuvə] 美 [muv ˈovɚ]


  挪动一下,腾地方; 让位



  1. Move over and let the little girl sit down.


英文move over的翻译形式是什么2

  1. The move came after the civil aviation authority was recently questioned over how flight slots are allocated at busy airports.

  2. Authorities said the reason for the move was " safety concerns over crowds buying newspapers ", but both readers and commentators questioned the decision.

  3. Three waves of cold air will move through China over the next ten days, dragging temperatures down by 6 to 8 degrees Celsius in Central and East China.

  4. The move was calculated to win over enough dissenting House members to get the bill through and reverse Monday"s stunning defeat in the House.

  5. The central bank"s move to tighten controls over loans to the real estate industry will be greatly conducive to the safety of the banking sector.

  6. Many tribal forces support the government"s move to clear the area of foreign militants, but some have defied orders to hand over suspects.

  7. Move over coffee shops, it is time to make room for ice cream cafes.

  8. Then the security guard come over and was being rude and told him to move.

  9. He stressed that Sudan does not want continuation of dispute over the oil issue, and hopes to move to negotiate other aspects of difference.

  10. The move appears to grant Arafat de facto control over the composition of the Cabinet.

推荐访问:英文 形式 翻译 英文move over翻译形式是什么 菁选2篇



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