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时间:2023-02-07 00:45:02 来源:顶好范文网
导读: 珍惜时间英文演讲稿学生Studyingatschooloccupiesstudentsalotoftime,sostudentshavelessparttime,whentheholidayco




Studying at school occupies students a lot of time, so students have lesspart time, when the holiday comes, they feel so excited and don’t want to study,just sleep and play with their friends all the time. Students can spend theirpart time happily, at the same time, they can learn things, too. Students canconsider to watch movie, I think they like to watch movie of course, becausemovie is so funny, watching movie is like studying English, what’s moreimportant is that they can learn the countries’ culture, the movies alwaysreflect the countries’ culture. Students can also go to the museum, they canvisit the museum, learning the history, they see the real material, it is muchlively than the book. The part time is very precious for students, they can playwith fun and learn things at the same time.



One night, I complained to my mom about the lack of time. Finally shesaid,"you are short of time just because you waste precious minutes oncomplaints and anxiety. The point is, no matter how full your schedule is, ifyou try really hard, you can always fit in some thing more."

It is the same with filling the jar. Even if you place a dozen fist-sizedrocks and a bucket of gravel into the jar, there is still space for sand andwater between the rocks and gravel.

The lack of time is just the excuse for my negligence of every singleminute. I believe that the great dividing line between success and failure canbe expressed in six words,"I did not have enough time."The fact is I do haveexactly the same number of hours per day that were given to Helen Keller,Pasteur, Thomas Jefferson, and Albert Einstein. The point is I have nevertouched upon the real meaning of life which lies in snatching, seizing andenjoying every minute of it. No idleness, no delay, no procrastination, nocomplaint! It is during my moments of complaining or hesitation that my destinyis shaped. Once I make full use of every moment, I believe that, my worries willbe gradually cut down to nothing.

Time is the most valuable of all our possessions, but the most perishableas well. As Henry David Thoreau said,"You must live in the present, launchyourself on every wave, find your eternity in each moment."

Whenever I fell the lack of time in the future, I will tell myself "Carpediem , seize the day, make every moment count."



nobody knows what time is like, for we cannot see it, nor can we touchit.

time is abstract, which we can only imagine in our mind.

but we do know that time passes very quickly. some students, however, donot know the value of time, nor do they know how to make the best use of it, forthey waste it in going to films, playing games and doing other uselessthings.why do we go to school early in the morning? why do trains run so fast?why do most people prefer taking buses instead of walking? the answer is verysimple: we wish to save time because time is precious.

today we are living in the twentieth century. we know that time islife.

when a person dies, his time has ended.since life is short, we must devoteour time and energy to our studies so that we may be able to serve our countryand the people. but since time is invisible, we often neglect it. lazinss. isthe thief of time, for lasiness not only brings us a lot of harm, it also bringsus failure. if it is necessary for us to do some work today, let us do it todayand not leave it until tomorrow. remember that time is more valuable thanmoney.







Good morning,everybody!

In this world,there is one thing that is very fair to everybody,whether youare a male or female,young or old,rich or poor.Does anybody know what it iscalled?

Right.It is time.The topic I am going to present to you today is called “Treasure Every Minute”.

To realize the value of ONE YEAR,ask a student who failed a grade.

To realize the value of ONE MONTH,ask a mother who gave birth to apremature baby.

To realize the value of ONE WEEK,ask the editor of a weekly newspaper.

To realize the value of ONE HOUR,ask the lovers who are waiting tomeet.

To realize the value of ONE MINUTE,ask a person who missed the train.

To realize the value of ONE SECOND,ask a person who just avoided anaccident.

To realize the value of ONE MILLISECOND,ask the person who won a silvermedal in the Olympics.

Treasure every moment that you have!And treasure it more because you sharedit with someone special,special enough to spend your time with.

And remember that time waits for no one.Yesterday is history.Tomorrow is amystery.Today is a gift.That's why it's called the present!The clock isrunning.Make the most of today.

Good luck,everybody!









The time is the life,Mr.Lu Xun said that,"Wastes own time to be equal tothe chronic suicide,wastes others time to be equal to murders for money." Thisexplained treasures the time the importance.

The time says regarding the scholar:"An inch time inch gold,inch Jin Nanbuys an inch time." The scholar only then treasures the time to be able tocreate own value,is humanity's civilized development,develops the new knowledgeworld.The science and technology can further develop,soars for the motherlandoffers own talent.Otherwise,does not treasure the time,unsuccessfullyliving,tomorrow duplicate tomorrow,not only has destroyed own future,returns togive back to the country to bring in the economical the loss.

The time says regarding the military scientist,treasures the time is thevictory.Red Army must fly crosses Yangtze River,day and night marches,its goalstrives for the time,strives for the victory.Obviously treasures the time is howimportant,this is relating the motherland life and death.

The time regarding the economical scholar is the money,is theefficiency.Along with the reform and open policy flood tide,the time is more andmore taken by the people,former days worked disperses negligently,lives hand tomouth,has the mess the phenomenon more and more to be few,presents at present inis grasps the time creation benefit,the creation wealth.

Treasures the time is treasures the life,the life very is all importantregarding each people,our each people all should treasure the time well,createsown life value.

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