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时间:2023-01-31 01:50:02 来源:顶好范文网
导读: 青春话题英语演讲稿5分钟Youthisnotatimeoflife,itsthedeepspringsoflife Youthisnotamatterofrosycheeks,redlipsan




Youth is not a time of life, it's the deep springs of life.

Youth is not a matter of rosy cheeks, red lips and supple knees, it's amatter of the will, a qulity of the imagination, a vigor of the emotions.Youthis an apetite for adventures, it often exists in a man of 60 more than a boy of20 without a time of years, but the ambitions.There is in every human being'sheart the lure of wonders, it's obious when the youth.

There is in the center of your heart and my heart a wireless station forrecieving the informations of beauty, love, courage and power from man and fromthe infinite.


youth is a precious gift and a golden time in our life. when we are young,we are strong and healthy. it is the time for us to prepare ourselves to becomeresponsible citizens.

youth comes only once in a lifetime, therefore, it is important that weshould not waste those years in idleness and bad living. this is also the timewhen our memories are best. we are able to learn more during this time than whenwe become older. during our younger years, we have the enthusiasm to set highgoals for ourselves. we also try to overcome obstacles which are placed in ourway.

if we realize how precious youth is, we will be fulfilled when we are youngas well as when we are older. if we waste our youth, we will spend the rest ofour lives wishing we could be young again.


As the song goes “ My future isn’t a dream .” I love the song which bringsme confidence when singing it every time . I believe that all our dreams cancome true if we have courage to pursue them .When I was young my father alwaysasked me what I would be in the future . Sometimes I found it very hard to givea certain reply . “ I want to be a doctor .” “ I want to be a teacher .” and “ I’d like to be a scientist !” Many of these answers are perhaps very childish andridiculous . But I never think they are far away .

How time flies! Who is able to give a definition to his future ? I knowclearly that those high buildings are based on solid foundation . As a student ,I should have a reasonable aim , and study hard . My goal is to enter the bestuniversity for further study after middle school . I know it’s hard work , and I’ll come across many difficulties and frustrations . But no matter what they are, I’ll keep working on it and never give up . My teacher says there ’s only onekind of people that are truly successful : those who are brave enough to put upwith hardships . Even if I won’t achieve the goal , I have no regrets for what Ihave done , for I have struggled for my life .


The Wholeness of Life

Once a circle missed a wedge. The circle wanted to be whole, so it wentaround looking for its missing piece. But because it was incomplete andtherefore could roll only very slowly, it admired the flowers along the way. Itchatted with worms. It enjoyed the sunshine. It found lots of different pieces,but none of them fit. So it left them all by the side of the road and kept onsearching.

Then one day the circle found a piece that fit perfectly. It was so happy.Now it could be whole, with nothing missing. It incorporated the missing pieceinto itself and began to roll. Now that it was a perfect circle, it could rollvery fast, too fast to notice flowers or talk to the worms. When it realized howdifferent the world seemed when it rolled so quickly, it stopped, left its foundpiece by the side of the road and rolled slowly away.

There is a wholeness about the person who has come to terms with hislimitations, who has been brave enough to let go of his unrealistic dreams andnot feel like a failure for doing so. There is a wholeness about the man orwoman who has learned that he or she is strong enough to go through a tragedyand survive, she can lose someone and still feel like a complete person.






Youth comes only once in a lifetime, therefore, it is important that weshould not waste those years in idleness and bad living.

This is also the time when our memories are best.We are able to learn moreduring this time than when we become older. During our younger years, we havethe enthusiasm to set high goals for ourselves. We also try to overcomeobstacles which are placed in our way.

If we realize how precious youth is, we will be fulfilled when we are youngas well as when we are older. If we waste our youth, we will spend the rest ofour lives wishing we could be young again.

推荐访问:英语 演讲稿 话题 青春话题英语演讲稿5分钟五篇 青春话题英语演讲稿5分钟 青春话题英语演讲稿5分钟左右 青春话题英语演讲稿5分钟以上 关于青春的演讲稿英语5分钟



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