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时间:2023-01-30 21:35:02 来源:顶好范文网
导读: 英语演讲金钱2023Moneyisindeedimportant,butmoneycannotbuyeverything Amisermaythinkthat“moneytalks,”butif




Money is indeed important, but money cannot buy everything. A miser maythink that “money talks,” but if you only give your attention to making money,you may lose many things, such as health, friendship and love. I don't think weshould regard money as everything. Money is just a tool that can help us solveproblems or enable us to live a comfortable life. What we should do is to use itappropriately and not become misers. This way, all of us can lead a happierlives.



Money is regarded by some people as the most importent thing in life. It iseven regarded as the symbol of wealth and social position. For example, withplenty of money a man can do whatever he wants to. He can afford expensive carsand luxurious houses, and he can travel around the world and visit as manyinteresting places as he wants to. In their eyes, money is everything inlife.

In my opinion, money can both benefit people and do harm to them. On theone hand, we can't deny that money is useful. We need money to buy food, buy ahouse or pay our education cost. Money can make us live more comfortably. Forexample, with more money, we can help others and take part in more socialactivities and receive a good education, thus increasing our knowledge anddeveloping our skills. On the other hand, some people try to get money bydishonest means, for example, they often cheat and gemble, even rob and killpeople. Sooner or later, they will be punished by the law. Money can bring themnothing but misery.

In addition, money can not buy everything, For instance, no matter how muchmoney one hast he can not buy good health, happiness or friendship, Althoughmoney is useful in many ways, there are still a lot of things that money can'tbuy in the world. In addition, money can also do harm to us. If a person reallythinks of money as everything and pays his attention only to money, he will losehis friends, or even the care and warmth from his family. Thus, it brings himonly loneliness.


Money is very important for us but is not the most important things in ourlife.Many things are more important than money ,such as friendship ,love ,andfamily ,and so on .We can use money to buy many things but for people's hearts.Apeople only care the money ,which is very sorrowful.Gradually,he will lose manythings that is more important than money.And last,he will become lonely.

Sometimes money can let many people gather and make friends with you.However,you have to know they may be not your true friends and they just wantyou money.A true friend never care whether his friend is poor or rich.A firendin need is a friend indeed.Having some sincere friends is the truehappiness.

Anyway,money can solve lots of problems but it can't bring you happinessbecause it can't buy a true heart.Please remember that some things in the worldis invaluable.So don't live only for money.


Different people have different attitudes towards money.For example, someof the rich are very mean with their money, while some of them are quitegenerous. Some people lack of money but they are not absorbed in pursuit ofwealth while some people regard money as everything. As far as I am concerned,money is necessary for all of us, but it is not all for us.

For one thing, money is necessary for all of us. In modern society, moneyis one of tools for measure the value and can be used to exchange materials. Allmaterials we need for our basic existence is all about money. Without money, ourexistence will be threatened and we can not find our way to live. Therefore, allof us need to earn money to afford us and our family basic needs, such as food,clothes and house.

For another, money is not all for us. Though money can be used to exchangeour basic needs, it is not almighty. For example, we cannot use money to buy areal love or ability with money. Hence, just as the saying goes, “money is goodservant but a bad master”. We cannot be controlled by money so that we will notbe a pathetic slave of money.

In short, we need money but we should not regard money as our only purpose.Only hold this attitude can we use our money properly.

Different people have different attitudes towards money.For example, someof the rich are very mean with their money, while some of them are quitegenerous. Some people lack of money but they are not absorbed in pursuit ofwealth while some people regard money as everything. As far as I am concerned,money is necessary for all of us, but it is not all for us.

For one thing, money is necessary for all of us. In modern society, moneyis one of tools for measure the value and can be used to exchange materials. Allmaterials we need for our basic existence is all about money. Without money, ourexistence will be threatened and we can not find our way to live. Therefore, allof us need to earn money to afford us and our family basic needs, such as food,clothes and house.

For another, money is not all for us. Though money can be used to exchangeour basic needs, it is not almighty. For example, we cannot use money to buy areal love or ability with money. Hence, just as the saying goes, “money is goodservant but a bad master”. We cannot be controlled by money so that we will notbe a pathetic slave of money.

In short, we need money but we should not regard money as our only purpose.Only hold this attitude can we use our money properly.


Good morning ladies and gentlemen, teachers and my fellow friends. Thetitle of the speech that i‘m going to talk about is on money and health. Now asyou see, we have a society where people just concentrate on earning money to payoff their mortgage, credit cards, holiday expanses etc, most of them fail tonotice the gradual decline in their health. To them money is much much moreimportant than health. As it says, " money is the root of all evil." I agreewith it. Therefore, it is now time for us to watch out for our health andtreasure our body! Thank you!


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