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时间:2023-01-17 09:00:06 来源:顶好范文网
导读: 2023学生英语演讲稿范文goodevening,ladiesandgentlemen:thankyouverymuchforchoosingtoeinsuchacoldnight。todaym




good evening ,ladies and gentlemen:

thank you very much for choosing to e in such a cold night。today my topicis about choice and process。a research shows that a man has to make 73 choicesone day。with so many choices one day, people easily get so confused and afraidof making wrong choice that they hesitate and finally miss the true part oflife。 in my opinion, the following part is of much more importance than thechoice。 there is no absolute right or wrong choice but wonderful or boring life,which the process makes the difference。

life is a box of chocolate,you never know what you will get。 forrest gumpmade no decision by and for himself but he acplished great success with hisstrong will in the process。 the process is not the road itself but the attitudesand feelings ,the caution, courage and persistance we have as we encounter newexperience and unexpected obstacles。 take myself as an example, i changed mymajor when i became a postgraduate。 after the choice,days have been harsh forme。i cannot understand the new lessons at all。 for they are closely related tomathmatics which i learned nothing about before。 however wuth the belief thatthis is the great chance for me to experience new ideas and challenge myself,ipersisted。 i asked for help from every channel and reorgonized my life。gradually i could understand some parts and even found mathsinteresting。moreover, i learned to act instead of plaining。 in retrospect,thechoice left no trace in my mind but the happiness and bitterness of the pastfour months bees an unforgetable experience in my life。

no matter what the choice is, enjoy the process。 in the process, yourpotential will be inspired and new discoveries,improvement and progress will eto you。 these are the most beautiful sceneries and only on the way can you seeit。these make your life colorful。

there is no need and i donnot want to judge whether it right or wrong forme to be here,but i congratulate to myself for i gain and enjoy this fantasticexperience。 so my dear friends,never worry about your choice and enjoy theprocess。 i am sure you will get something new and intersting tonight after youchose to e here。

thank you!


Dear teachers and students: Good morning! My name is _, is a primaryschool. 11 years old, the Ming Road Primary School in fifth grade reading. Ihave today and we talk about "my story with an _ school "----- since coming tothe _ school, with_, _, and _ three teachers to learn English, I began tohave a strong interest in English! My first English teacher was American, hername is _, her tall, very young, very beautiful! Her eyes are blue. She taughtme courage to speak English. I like her. But she returned to the _. Where herfather and mother, that is her home. My current English teacher is _, he isalso an _, he is a male teacher, he's tall, very thin. I like his Englishclass. We play in the classroom, play games, play in the process, I learned tospeak English and foreign friends to speak. Another teacher she called _, sheis Chinese. Her big eyes, long hair. She is very beautiful! She told us verywell! I know a lot of children here, they are in a different school. However,every Saturday, we are gathered here to listen to _ and _ lectures, play gamestogether with _, we all very happy together! Also learned a lot._very bigschools, where teachers from the_, the _, as well as _. I like English!Because it's fun! When I grow up, I'm going to the_, _ and _ travel, get toknow people there. I also want to go to Harvard University to study! I have anuncle who read the book in Harvard, he is very good! He is now working in_.Another uncle visited the_, Bell Labs study, he was great! I want to be likethem, learn, grow, and to use their knowledge to build our country!


My fellow and my friends;

Once I read a piece of news report. It says, "A middle school student in aremote mountainous area was doing his revision at home one day. His brother,whose age excelled school age, was playing and drawing on the paper with hiselder brother's pencil at his side. Suddenly the younger brother raised his headthoughtfully, his little eyes were winking, and said to his brother seriously,"When will it thirty-second, brother?" The elder brother looked at his innocentyounger brother and said with a smile, "What are you going to do on thatthirty-second?" "Papa promised me to send me to school," said his youngerbrother. His brother, the middle school student looked at his lovely brother andhis heart seemed to be stitched with needles. My God! My parents were workingday and night in order to be able to afford my schooling. They were exhausted.How could they afford my younger brother's schooling? Oh, thirty-second ...

My dear friends, hearing this, didn't you feel sorry for them? We share thesame native land, the same blue sky under the sun. Why cannot they be givenlesson at school, sitting in the bright and big classroom? We are used to sayingthat education goes first before vitalizing the country. But now the country'sfiscal solvency and material resources are not ample enough. What should we do?It requires that we should be of one heart and exert our efforts for ourmotherland.


Honorable Judges, fellow students:

Good afternoon!

Recently, there is a heated debate in our society. The college students arethe beneficiaries of a rare privilege, who receive exceptional education atextraordinary places. But will we be able to face the challenge and supportourselves against all odds? Will we be able to better the lives of others? Willwe be able to accept the responsibility of building the future of ourcountry?

The cynics say the college students are the pampered lost generation, whichwould cringe at the slightest discomfort. But the cynics are wrong. The collegestudents I see are eagerly learning about how to live independently. We helpeach other clean the dormitory, go shopping and bargain together, and take parttime jobs to supplement our pocket money.

The cynics say we care for nothing other than grades; and we neglect theneed for character cultivation. But again, the cynics are wrong. We care deeplyfor each other, we cherish freedom, we treasure justice, and we seek truth.

Last week, thousands of my fellow students had their blood type tested inorder to make a contribution for the children who suffer from blood cancer.

As college students, we are adolescents at the critical turning point inour lives. We all face a fundamental choice: cynicism or faith, each willprofoundly impact our future, or even the future of our country. I believe inall my fellow classmates. Though we are still inexperienced and even a littlebit childish.

I believe that we have the courage and faith to meet any challenge and takeon our responsibilities. We are preparing to assume new responsibilities andtasks, and to use the education we have received to make our world a betterplace. I believe in our future.


For our students, marks is above everything. Teachers will judge us fromour marks. With marks we can be enrolled into junior middle schools. With marks,we can be enrolled into senior middle schools. With marks we can be enrolledinto college. With marks we can be enrolled into postgraduate and doctrinestudies. Still with marks we can be graded and be allowed to go abroad forfurther studies. Our parents will be strict with us with the marks. Our societyjudge us from marks. However, sometimes we students compare one another withmarks directly. We are completely controlled by marks. We like them and we feelsorry for them. But what attitude towards our marks should we take?

Truly, marks functions cannot be underestimated. In terms of test in ourstudy, marks are fair and real. That is the reason why we say "Everyone is equalbefore marks. "

However, I think marks are the sole standard to judge the success orfailure of students in exams. Sometimes, marks more than ten or less than one ortwo in our exams comparing with others mean not everything. The success orfailure in exams will be influenced by experience on the spot and the examinee’shealth etc. Once in a while one cannot fail in exams. " Success or failure iscommon sense for military. " I think everyone is familiar with the famoussaying. Don’t you think such will be the case with our study? In exams, onecannot be " never-defeated general" . Even though one will be very good ineveryday study, he cannot succeed in every exam sometimes. We can get proof fromthe fact that the very best one we call "Number One Scholar" in the entranceexams for college and ordinary middle school and specialized secondary schoolover the years is not eminent above all others nor top student in everystudy.

As a matter of fact, "high marks" and "ability" are not unified. Some timeago, a new phrase " high marks but poor competence" came into being. Once Ihappened to meet such a teacher as this .It is said that the teacher justgraduated from a far-famed key university. But his teaching result is much lessthan that of the one who just graduated from a not-well-renowned college. Whenlecturing, the teacher only repeated what the text-books says, which was verydull so the his students’ interest in learning was not aroused. His teaching wasshort of unity of teaching and learning. At present there is a fact that we knowa few brilliant and top college graduates are not qualified for their posts. Thereason for it may be lack of the ability to combine knowledge learnt from bookswith pragmatics in their work. Students of this kind will be successful in everyexam but they will be able to use freely their knowledge in their posts. Don’tyou think it waste training such persons for the country?

To sum up from the above, I can say marks are not absolutely authoritativefor some. If we neglect training and developing the students’ ability andcompetence and if we only seek for the high marks, we will be absolutely wrong.We should take an objective attitude towards the marks. Neither should weneglect them nor should we overvalue them like a God.

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