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时间:2023-10-30 15:08:02 来源:顶好范文网
导读: 授权委托书中英文_____________________(name),passport identitycard本人,(姓名)护照 身份证号码______




_____________________(name), passport/identity card

本 人, ( 姓 名) 护 照/ 身 份 证 号 码

_____________ , hereby authorised , holder of passport/identity card number , to submit/collect

护 照/身 份 证 号 码 代 表 我 递 交/ 领 取

my visa applicationon my behalf.

我 的 签 证 申 请,个人授权委托书(英文)。 ___________________ ____________

signature of applicant date

申 请 人 签 名 日 期


i, the name of legal representative, the undersigned legal representative of the company name of the bidder, hereby authorize the undersigned the name of the duly authorized representative to be true and lawful representative of the company from the date of this letter of authorization to act for and on behalf of the company with legally binding effect for and in respect of to sign the bids. and i acknowledge all the contents contained in the bids signed by the authorized representative.

it is hereby authorized.

name of the company: (official seal)

legal representative: (signature)

authorized representative: (signature)


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